Meet Ambassadors Jay and Kathy Overy


Champion Stories
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Meet Jay and Kathy Overy

Survivor and Caregiver Ohio “My husband Jay had finally scheduled his first routine colonoscopy. I kissed him good luck as he was taken back for the procedure. Neither of us prepared for what happened next. The doctor called me back after his procedure and said, “You’re a nurse, right?” “Yes,” I replied. At the time, I was not sure why he asked. He proceeded by showing me photos of Jay’s procedure explaining that he had a 5 cm mass that was most likely to be adenocarcinoma, polyps, or a hemorrhoid. I did not hear anything after the word, “tumor.” I was having an out of body experience. Jay and I feel that his rectal cancer has given us the opportunity to get involved with Fight CRC and to help make change. Being surrounded by others who have also been impacted by this disease has allowed us to know that we are not alone in this fight.”