Meet the One Million Strong- Dana Georges from Indiana


Champion Stories
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Meet Dana


Fort Wayne, Indiana

Dana's Story

I Fight For: my late husband, Jean Georges, Jr.;  my son, Mattaeo ; brother, Dustin  and all colon cancer survivors, caregivers, and families affected by this disease

I became very involved in cancer advocacy efforts after losing my husband to colon cancer on Mother's Day, 2015. He was only 43-years-old. My 7-year-old  son will need to begin screening at age 25. Also, my 32-year-old brother recently had precancerous cells found in a polyp that was discovered during a colonoscopy due to rectal bleeding.

It is of utmost importance to see advancements in research and cure rates as well as continued education of medical professionals, patients and the general public about early screening and genetic testing.

Since my husband’s passing, I have been to Capital Hill twice to meet with my federal  lawmakers in an effort to increase funds for cancer research. I also focus on meeting with my state and local lawmakers throughout the year.

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