Meet the One Million Strong – Kimberly B from Florida


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MEET KIMBERLYme-pic-2013-2

Kimberly Bishop, Survivor Osteen, FL


I was diagnosed with stage III rectal cancer in February 2007, at age 34.  I was young, fit, and perfectly healthy in every other way.  I share the same story that is typical of so many young CRC survivors; I was told I had hemorrhoids and IBS and was denied screening for over three years.  My doctor finally decided I need to be scoped and my first colonoscopy revealed a 13cm. sessile villous adenoma at my recto-sigmoid juncture. After colon resection surgery, the pathology came back with a small tumor and positive nodes.  My surgeon was as shocked as I; he wasn’t expecting cancer, as I am his youngest patient.  I had twelve rounds of FOLFOX, I have been NED since surgery.
Genetic testing shows I am negative for Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) and HNPCC/Lynch Syndrome and have no family history. My oncologist turned me loose in October of 2012 - he told me I was cured and didn’t need him anymore.  I only wish everyone could hear those same words, and I pray one day that will be possible. I suffer permanent effects of neuropathy and some other treatment-related issues, but it’s much better than the alternative.  I’m alive and happy to be generally very healthy. My mission, as a young survivor, is to use my platform to educate as many folks as possible, and to help overcome some of the misconceptions surrounding this very preventable cancer. Colorectal cancer is NOT an older, white man’s disease. It DOES NOT discriminate based on age, race or gender. It can occur anytime, in anyone, at any age.  Know your risks.  Get screened.  It may save your life.


Never give up!  Have hope!  This is likely the toughest battle you will ever face, but Colorectal Cancer is treatable and beatable and you have people behind you who care, many you many never meet.  But they care and are fighting for you!


One Million Strong represents the caring and camaraderie of the Colorectal Cancer community in supporting those fighting and in bringing awareness, especially of young-onset patients, to the forefront.


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