Home Blog Champion Stories Meet the One Million Strong – Wanda C from Washington Meet the One Million Strong – Wanda C from Washington May 24, 2014 • By Intern@FightCRC Champion Stories Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Share on Twitter Copy this URL Share via Email Be a part of One Million Strong and tell us how colorectal cancer has impacted your life! Share your story now! MEET WANDA Wanda Charles, Survivor Vancouver, WA WANDA'S STORY I had been having symptoms for 7-8 years, but we had no insurance. It finally got so bad I went to the women's clinic. The doctor took blood and called the next day. He said something was wrong and that there was some internal bleeding. He set up an appointment for me to see a gastroenterologist. I was scheduled for a colonoscopy and heard "you have cancer" as soon as I got back into the room....in front of my husband and 8 year old daughter. I was still loopy from the medicine. The news sobered me up real quick. WANDA'S ADVICE The best advice I ever got was from a fellow survivor. She said "take it one day at a time, and if you can't do that, take it one hour at a time, and if you can't do that, take it one minute at a time, and if you need to, take it one second at a time." WHAT ONE MILLION STRONG MEETS TO WANDA Hope. Continuing progress in finding a cure. More… Learn more about One Million Strong Share Your Story Come March With Us