Home Blog Community Blog Stop the Stigma Around CRC Screening Stop the Stigma Around CRC Screening March 17, 2021 • By Fight CRC Community Blog Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Share on Twitter Copy this URL Share via Email Emil Ekvardt from Great.com interviewed Michell Baker as part of their 'Great.com Talks With...' podcast. This series is an antidote to negative news stories that aims to shed light on organizations and experts whose work is making a positive impact on the world. Colorectal cancer sounds scary, but in reality, it’s 90% preventable with proper screening. Fight CRC's Director of Philanthropy, Michell Baker, discussed how we can raise awareness and banish the stigma that stops many people from getting screened. Listen to the interview Fight Colorectal Cancer (Fight CRC) advocates for policy change on colorectal cancer screening, while carrying out research into a cure and offering a range of support to patients living with cancer. Michell explained that ensuring everyone has access to screening is absolutely vital if we are to beat colorectal cancer. And that colorectal cancer screening should start at 45 or earlier for those who are experiencing symptoms or have a family history. Colon and rectal cancer can be prevented with screening. Screening can also detect colorectal cancer early - when it's most curable. Listen to the whole interview learn more about the support you can find at Fight CRC. Gain access to our free downloadable resources on our website and learn how to raise awareness. Great.com is an organization that is changing the way people think about charity, development, and organizations. They’re leading the next generation of charitable giving with their completely remote and radically transparent team. Find out more.