Colorectal Cancer Resources for Healthcare Providers

Find colorectal cancer resources to stay up to date with the latest research and get free patient education resources for your patients and their families.

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Colorectal Cancer Resources for Healthcare Providers

Fight Colorectal Cancer (Fight CRC) believes that no one fights alone, and that includes healthcare providers. We work closely with medical experts on our Medical Advisory Board to develop accessible and comprehensive colorectal cancer patient education materials. Fight CRC aims to offer support for colon and rectal cancer patients and caregivers, from diagnosis to survivorship.

Free Resources Available for Healthcare Providers

As a colorectal cancer healthcare provider, you’re on the frontlines of the fight against colorectal cancer. It’s up to you to provide the most relevant, up-to-date resources to your patients and their families. We’re here to help by offering free, medically-reviewed resources online and in print.

Not finding what you’re looking for? Contact our patient education team at

Colorectal Cancer Resource Library

We’ve created a vast resource library for colorectal cancer patients and caregivers. From blog posts and mini magazines, to webinars and fact sheets, this all-encompassing library covers an array of topics your patients are looking for. Point your patients toward trusted online resources for whichever stage they are in their CRC journey.

Printed Colorectal Cancer Resources

Fight CRC’s printed patient education resources are great for waiting rooms, bulletin boards, and exam rooms. These resources are free of charge and small quantities can be ordered from our online store. To request large quantities, please email

Frequently Requested CRC Resources

Your Guide in the Fight – Available in English and Spanish

We know a colorectal cancer diagnosis is overwhelming. We’re here to walk patients and caregivers through it from the day of diagnosis through survivorship. Your Guide in the Fight is a three-part book designed to empower and point the CRC community toward trusted, credible resources.

Healthcare providers can access resources such as Fight CRC’s Your Guide in the Fight, a three-part series for stage III and IV colorectal cancer survivors. 

Biomarkers Brochure

Our Biomarkers brochure outlines information your biomarker report should contain, why biomarkers are so important to know for treatment options, and why biomarker testing is so important.

Screening Brochure

Our screening brochure includes a colonoscopy prep shopping list and prep tips. We even outline alternative screening options in addition to colonoscopy. Our medically reviewed Colorectal Cancer Screening brochure is a resource you can depend on. Screening saves lives!

Facing a Diagnosis Rack Card

This rack card was created for newly diagnosed colorectal cancer patients to assist them in determining next steps. It includes information about cancer staging, questions to ask your doctor, and recommendations on where to find more resources.

Colorectal Cancer Webinars

Each month, Fight CRC hosts a patient-focused webinar featuring topic experts. You can view past webinars in our resource library, and sign up for our email list to be notified about upcoming webinars.

Skin Toxicity E-Learning Program

Fight CRC partner COR2ED, creator of high-quality Independent Medical Education programs, has launched a new e-learning program for healthcare professionals working in digestive and liver cancer. This program helps doctors and nurses to better prevent, diagnose, and manage skin reactions to targeted therapy.

Patient Centered Communication in Cancer Care

Fight CRC has worked collaboratively with RTI International to develop and disseminate a Patient Centered Communication in Cancer Care instrument in English and Spanish.

Opportunities for Healthcare Providers

Serving as unbiased mediators, we bring together a diverse group of leaders who share information to advance colorectal cancer research. From publishing peer-reviewed articles in leading healthcare journals to focusing on cutting edge research across disciplines, Fight CRC’s workgroups explore how we can work together to find a cure.

Learn more about our current colorectal cancer expert workgroups here. If you’re interested in getting involved as a medical expert, please email