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Angela Rankin

Patients & Survivors Stage IV Colon Cancer North Carolina
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Story: I was a young, fit, active woman. I ran marathons, ate right, and took a multivitamin. Then in July 2019, I had a sharp pain in my groin. An ultrasound tech in my gynecologist’s office discovered something in my colon. Within a day, I was unable to eat. A week later, I was going in for emergency surgery, since a CT scan had revealed a tumor the size of an orange in my colon; cancer was in my lymph nodes; over 20 tumors in my liver; and multiple spots in both lungs. I am now a stage IV colon cancer patient.

Advice: Do good things each day and make good choices. Your diagnosis does not define you, but it does change you. You have the choice to make this journey have meaning. You can do something to help yourself and help others through your experience. What a legacy that could be!

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