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Courtney Maurer

Patients & Survivors Stage IV Colon Cancer Kansas
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Story: "I was diagnosed at age 29 with stage IV colon cancer that spread to the liver. I was ignored by my primary care doctor at age 27 when I started showing symptoms. I had a laparoscopic sigmoid colon resection, which revealed the cancer, and started FOLFOX. Halfway through FOLFOX the tumor on my liver disappeared, but they still did a liver resection after my seventh treatment. I finished 8/12 chemo on only the 5FU pump due to severe neuropathy. I'm currently three years NED as of July 17."

Advice: "Try to stay strong and positive. I know it's hard, but it helped me so much! I read daily quotes and wrote them down, and this helped me. Also talking with others who are fighting or have fought the same cancer helps too!"

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