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Kelly Hebert

Patients & Survivors Louisiana
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Kelly's story

I am sure everyone, like me, is always afraid of hearing the dreaded word "cancer" from their doctor.

Well this dreaded word became a reality for me on October 3, 2011.  From the very beginning, I always had a sense that God was with me. This faith has brought me where I am today, blessed!

To make a long story short, after seeing several doctors for another benign problem, my doctor suggested a colonoscopy. I am not 50 years of age, only a mere 46; however, I listened to my doctor and scheduled my test.  

I wanted that peace of mind that nothing was wrong. Immediately, during the colonoscopy, it revealed a large polyp too large to remove. Surgery was needed.

The dreaded word immediately came into my mind. Fortunately, God put in my life the right doctors who immediately scheduled surgery, a blessing. The polyp was removed laparoscopic, along with 9 inches of my colon, another blessing.  

Not long after, the dreaded word "cancer" became the final diagnosis. Shock, disbelief but never asking why me. I had several signs along the way that let me know God would get me through this.

After a second opinion, no treatment was needed, just monitoring.

Please, please, please go get your colonoscopy if you are 50 or having other issues. It saved my life! It is a cancer that has a high cure rate if caught early. Listen to your inner voice and count every blessing that comes your way.  

God is good, and I feel like he wants me to share my story with everyone. Keep praying because there are a lot of people out there that need prayers and prayers are very powerful.

Kelly's advice

Knowledge is powerful; listen to your body and inner voice.

What One Million Strong means to me

That this terrible disease needs to be talked about and educate people. That it can easily happen to you, a family member or a friend. Have a strong support group and be there for others. Have faith that the man upstairs does have a plan for you and not to question to path He puts you on.

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