White House Declares March as Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in 2024

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La Casa Blanca ha emitido un comunicado oficial proclamación presidencial for the year 2024, recognizing the significance of March as National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Fight Colorectal Cancer (Fight CRC) applauds President Joe Biden, First Lady Jill Biden, and Vice President Kamala Harris for their continued support in the fight against colorectal cancer. On January 16, 2024, a collective effort involving 33 organizations, alongside Fight CRC, reached out to President Biden, advocating for the national recognition of Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in 2024.

The White House, in partnership with millions of colorectal cancer survivors, caregivers, and advocates from all corners of the nation, comes together to raise awareness about this pressing issue. In an official press release, the administration passionately underscored their recommitment to, “supporting all those helping drive progress against cancer and delivering incredible care to those facing this disease.  We affirm our goal of ending cancer as we know it, once and for all.” 

This March, over 300 colorectal cancer survivors, caregivers, and loved ones will plant over 27,000 flags on the National Mall to represent those who will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer in the year 2030, a year when colorectal cancer is projected to become the leading cancer killer among those ages 20-49. Fight CRC advocates understand the urgency around this disturbing statistic and are asking members of Congress for more funding for research during Convocatoria del Congreso this March. This event serves as a powerful symbol, shedding light on colorectal cancer as a national priority while paying tribute to those engaged in this critical fight. 

"We express our gratitude for the White House's ongoing commitment to bolstering awareness during Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month," stated Anjee Davis, President of Fight CRC. "In March, we take pride in uniting with leaders in colorectal cancer screening and dedicated stakeholders, as we advocate for increased screening, funding, research, and most importantly, for the preservation of more lives." 

Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month resonates at both local and national levels through the success of Fight CRC's state proclamation campaign. Across the nation, hundreds of CRC survivors, caregivers, and loved ones have passionately submitted proclamations to their respective states, effectively recognizing CRC Awareness Month. Remarkably, nearly all 50 states have now issued state proclamations, under the leadership of their governors. 

Molly McDonnell, Fight CRC Vice President of Advocacy, praised the commitment of colorectal cancer advocates: 

"Year after year, advocates ensure that their states, towns, and local communities across the country are a part of March Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. This annual campaign continues to grow in size and influence, a testament to the unwavering strength and determination of this community. Colorectal cancer can be prevented if caught early, but one in three people are not up-to-date with colorectal cancer screening. Our annual state proclamation campaign serves as a key opportunity to promote awareness in individual states and communities and garner support for research, screening, and funding." 

As advocates, governors, and the President come together to observe March as Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in 2024, Fight CRC urges individuals, communities, and policymakers to join them in this critical fight. Visit our Defensa page to act today.  

11 thoughts on "White House Declares March as Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in 2024"

  1. Thank you for all your tireless efforts in getting the importance of CRC screening awareness out! I am a GI nurse & work with 9 wonderful physicians who everyday help people not to get colon cancer. Back in the early 1980s my beautiful mother Lois Miller repeatedly for 2 years sought medical help for her rectal bleeding and was given valium and a pat on the head. She was in her 50s and we lost our mother.

    We know better now. Thank you.

    Sincerely, nurse Bonnie

    1. Thank you so much for you kind comment, Bonnie. We are so very sorry that you lost your beautiful mom far too soon. We certainly know better now. When we know better, we do better. And we’re not going to stop!

  2. Estoy rebosante de alegría y se me saltan las lágrimas. Quizá esta sea la siguiente fase de esperanza para quienes la necesitan. Mi madre es una superviviente de cáncer de colon en fase IV y III. Actualmente padezco síndrome del intestino irritable y esto sin duda me ayudará en mi futuro. Gracias, señor Presidente. Me encanta su administración <3

    1. Hola Deidra, muchas gracias por tu comentario.

      Tenga también en cuenta tomar medidas el 14 de marzo, si no puede unirse a nosotros en D.C. Pasar a la acción sólo te llevará unos instantes, y tu acción tendrá un impacto duradero en la lucha contra el cáncer colorrectal. Muchas gracias.

  3. Perdió a un yerno a una edad joven en sus 50's. También dejé viuda a mi hija a una edad temprana. Madres, padres, hijos, hijas, todo el mundo sufre a causa de esta terrible enfermedad. Háganse la prueba y dejen atrás el dolor.

  4. Hoy estoy trabajando en una presentación para mi clase titulada "30 razones por las que deberías hacerte las pruebas de detección del cáncer colorrectal" y la publicaré lo antes posible. Espero tenerla terminada hoy. No podemos perder más tiempo con esto. Tenía la esperanza de unirme a ustedes en DC, pero mis estudios dictan lo contrario. Espero que sea el año que viene. Como superviviente del estadio III, creo que es mi deber compartir que el CCR es 100% tratable siempre que se detecte lo suficientemente pronto. ¡Háganse la prueba de detección!

    1. Hola Tamara, gracias por tu comentario. Estarás con nosotros en D.C. en espíritu, y esperamos verte el año que viene. Tu presentación "30 razones por las que deberías hacerte las pruebas de detección del cáncer colorrectal" suena increíble.

      Sigue creando conciencia y sigue haciendo cosas.

      Mientras tanto, también tenemos alertas que nos encantaría que tomaras el 14 de marzo, cuando los defensores que están en D.C. se reúnan con nuestros funcionarios electos. Estos alertas sólo le llevará unos minutos de su tiempo.

      Sigamos aprovechando este impulso y hagamos que marzo sea tan azul como octubre es rosa.

  5. Gracias por reconocer esta terrible enfermedad.
    Me viene de familia.
    He sobrevivido 3 veces y vivo con los resultados crónicos de la quimio y la radiación todos los días.
    Estoy muy agradecido de estar vivo, es un gran reto.
    Dios bendiga tu reconocimiento para los que nos vemos afectados por esto.

    1. Gracias por su comentario. Usted está en el corazón de todo el trabajo que hacemos.

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