Early Onset Research

Fight CRC is at the forefront of tackling early-age onset colorectal cancer (EAO CRC) through dynamic research and global collaboration.

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We believe research is the key to preventing future cases of EAO CRC, uncovering answers to why the phenomenon is happening, and discovering breakthrough treatment options.

We’ve been focused on EAO CRC for many years, and our commitment is unwavering and strong.

Here is a timeline that unfolds our comprehensive efforts to drive change and offer new hope. See the research grants we’ve given out to scientists focused on EAO CRC.

Transforming Research and Outcomes

Our 2023 initiatives were aimed at transforming the landscape of early-age onset colorectal cancer. Through the Early-Age Onset Research Think Tank, we didn’t just build on past efforts, but we set ambitious goals to change the future of diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship.

2023 Impact


Groundbreaking Think Tank sessions

Focus on comprehensive research and collaborative efforts

NCI partnered with us to host this discussion

Broadening the Spectrum of Advocacy

In December of 2021, we saw a need to not only convene researchers, but expand our efforts to be a bridge for research and advocacy efforts. Throughout 2022, through our think tanks and influential reports, we not only sought to understand the disease better but also to pave a clear path toward a cure, advocating for those affected by this condition.

2022 Impact


Expansion of research and advocacy efforts

Engaged the Department of Defense, FDA, CDC, and NCI

Published the Path to a Cure report outlining a roadmap for research

A Rally for Research and Prevention

In June 2021, we kept the momentum going. We hosted a Rally on Research spotlighting the critical familial component and genetic factors of early-age onset colorectal cancer. This virtual event was a platform for sharing groundbreaking research, setting the stage for novel prevention strategies and deeper understanding.

Keeping the discussions moving forward, the 4th Early Onset Colorectal Cancer Symposium was hosted in partnership with IBSAL in June 2022.

2021 Impact


Insightful research presentations at the Rally on Research

New prevention strategies unveiled

Patients from all over the world joined a global discussion on EAO CRC

Fostering Innovation and Collaboration

The momentum continued in 2020 with the NCI Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer Think Tank, where the foundation laid by our workgroup was expanded upon. This gathering was a confluence of minds and missions, aimed at accelerating research and developing actionable strategies against this disease.

Joining Dr. Jose Perea, the 2nd Early Onset Colorectal Cancer Symposium was hosted in partnership with IBSAL.

2020 Impact


Enhanced research methodologies

Strengthened collaborative networks

Garnered the attention of the NCI for further funding

The Genesis of a Global Early Onset Colorectal Cancer Workgroup

In 2019, Fight CRC initiated a groundbreaking workgroup that brought together international experts who delved into the intricacies of sporadic early onset colorectal cancer. This multidisciplinary team’s mission was to dissect the rising incidence rates and forge pathways to innovative solutions.

Experts who attended the February 2019 meeting included epidemiologists, biostatisticians, oncologists, and researchers from the United States, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands. A manuscript of the meeting summary was published in the August 2019 edition of Gastroenterology, followed by a commentary also published in Gastroenterology in December 2019. Additionally, Fight CRC was published in an ASCO Educational Book para nuestra investigación sobre la EAO CRC.

2019 Impact


Formation of a global discussion focused on early-age onset colorectal cancer

Advanced colorectal cancer screening literature and publications

Spearheaded scientific efforts that led to the screening age being lowered to 45 years old

Support EAO Research

Your support is crucial in our ongoing battle against early-age onset colorectal cancer. Whether through donativos, defensa, or spreading sensibilización, your involvement can make a significant difference.

Together, we can confront this challenge and drive toward a future free from the burden of this disease.