Colorectal Cancer Care Initiative

The Colorectal Cancer Care Initiative (CRCCI), led by Fight Colorectal Cancer, is a coalition of survivors, healthcare professionals and industry innovators uniting to transform colorectal cancer care.

About the Colorectal Cancer Care Initiative

Our shared goal is to leverage our combined expertise and resources to confront colorectal cancer’s pressing challenges. By pooling our knowledge and efforts, we’re not just addressing colorectal cancer; we’re transforming the way it’s detected, treated, and understood.

Join us. With every new partner, our collective impact grows, bringing us closer to a future where colorectal cancer no longer poses the threat it does today.

Understanding the Challenge

Fight Colorectal Cancer (Fight CRC) is leading the charge in pushing for changes in healthcare systems through the strategic use of real-world data.

The CRCCI brings together a robust coalition of partners committed to making systemic changes in how colorectal cancer care is delivered and improved.

Our group has pinpointed a major gap in colorectal cancer care. We are not effectively measuring the quality of care received. Real-world patient data provides incredible insights, but when it is not effectively utilized to inform healthcare decisions, disparities in care and outcomes persist. This leads to suboptimal screening strategies, delayed diagnoses, and inconsistent treatment approaches, particularly for younger demographics who are increasingly at risk. There is an urgent need for a data-driven paradigm shift in how we measure the quality of care for colorectal cancer screening through treatment and beyond.

Working Together 

Focused on Data

We’re utilizing real-world data to identify care gaps, inform treatment protocols, and drive better health outcomes.


We seek to harness the power and perspectives of a diverse array of stakeholders across the colorectal cancer continuum.


Our coalition is not just about discussion; we’re about action. Using data, we’re implementing tangible changes in healthcare practices and policies.

Join Us in the Fight

A call-to-action for advocacy groups, healthcare professionals, survivors, and industry leaders to contribute their expertise and resources.