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Suzanne Miller

Paciente/superviviente Cáncer de colon en estadio I Illinois
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I was 40 years old when I was diagnosed with stage I colon cancer.

As a healthy adult who was in great shape and training for a third marathon, one would think I know my body pretty well. In summer 2016, I was experiencing weird symptoms: Blood in my stool was the main one.

With a family history of Crohn's disease and with having IBS, I immediately called my doctor. They referred me to a gastroenterologist who would schedule a colonoscopy.

They found an 8cm mass blockage in my colon. After finding out it was cancerous, I was scheduled for surgery.

On November 18, 2016, they removed 8 inches of my colon, which encapsulated the entire mass. My surgeon told me it was a blessing that I came in when I did.

Biomarker testing indicated that I have no markers.

Early detection saved my life. If I would have waited, I would not be here today.

If you are afraid to seek medical advice or colorectal cancer screening, talk with someone who has been through it.

To others going through a diagnosis: Flip the script! Take the bad news and make it positive. Use your voice and advocate for yourself and others!

Ever since my diagnosis and removal, I celebrate the 18th as the one day a month that I remind people to "keep their rear in the clear." Get checked. If you're 45 or older, get your colonoscopy!

It has been over seven years since we kicked that cancer to the curb. I advocate every day.

Let's continue to help others by telling a friend to get checked, know their family history, and "Keep Your Rear in the Clear!"

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