The Year of COVID-19


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It has been one year since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 a global pandemic. We know the struggles that colorectal cancer survivors, caregivers, and loved ones have faced this year; not being able to share time with loved ones, sitting in the chemo chair alone, and having to face COVID-19 as a cancer patient or survivor. 

Since the beginning, Fight CRC has worked tirelessly to assure you that you are not alone and connect you with the resources and support that you need. We haven't stopped because we know that cancer did not stop for you. 

Colorectal Cancer Screening 

We talked to experts on how COVID-19 will affect colorectal cancer screening and gastroenterology appointments, how patients can prepare for surgery during the COVID-19, and how to stay safe and continue treatment regimens. 

Health and Wellness 

We wanted to ensure all colorectal cancer patients and caregivers can maintain their own physical and emotional health and wellness during the pandemic. We created a curated selection of Fight CRC patient resources to help support you. 


Immunocompromised is a word we hear often, especially in the age of coronavirus (COVID-19). What does it mean exactly and how is it related to colorectal cancer patients and survivors? We shared expert insights on how to protect yourself if you are immunocompromised. 

Wellness Wednesday

We kicked off a weekly series on social media called “Wellness Wednesday” where we featured a creative wellness topic with an expert. From mindfulness to exercise, we focus on what you need.

Treatment Disruptions and Health Disparities During COVID-19 Study

We facilitated a survey and focus groups to understand the ripple effects the pandemic is having on our community in order to understand how we can continue to be a reliable resource during the pandemic. 

COVID-19 and Colorectal Cancer Clinical Trials 

We talked to Dr. Scott Kopetz, M.D., Ph.D., FACP, at MD Anderson to provide his thoughts on what patients on clinical trials can expect, and how it will ultimately affect the course of treatments. 


While telehealth has been around for years, a majority of people hadn’t experienced it until the novel coronavirus spread through the United States, forcing medical offices and hospitals to limit in-person care. Learn more here

The Colon Club and Fight CRC Townhall

In June 2020, The Colon Club and Fight CRC partnered to host a virtual town hall meeting, Surviving Colorectal Cancer Through COVID-19. During this interactive session, those touched by colorectal cancer had the opportunity to ask leading experts about the many ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect their lives, their treatment, and their cancer survivorship and what we can expect to see in the coming months.

Virtual Call-on Congress

In 2020, Call-on Congress was changed to a virtual event just a week before our in-person event was scheduled (talk about hectic!)! We will continue to keep patients and families safe in 2021 by going virtual again. Register today!


We have given away over 10,000 FREE masks to medical professionals, patients, caregivers, and loved ones! 

Flu and COVID-19 

We shared ways for colorectal cancer survivors, caregivers, and loved ones to stay safe and healthy during the 2020-21 Flu season

COVID-19 Vaccine 

We know that CRC survivors and caregivers have questions when it comes to preparing for the COVID-19 vaccine, so we’re here to help.

Mythbusting COVID-19

Director of CDC’s Division of Cancer Prevention and Control and member of Fight CRC’s Health Equity Committe, Lisa C. Richardson, MD, MPH joined us to answer your burning questions about COVID-19, the vaccine, and everything in-between.