Conozca a Melinda C., de Kentucky, que trabaja con un millón de personas

Historias de campeones
símbolo de héroe

Melinda_Fight_CRC_SupervivienteConoce a Melinda

Melinda Coyle, survivor
Danville, Kentucky

La historia de Melinda

In 2009, I was scared out of my witts when my doctors discovered and unidentifiable mass in me! In January 2010, after the discovery of this mass, I finally went in for a colonoscopia.  My mass was identified as stage II colorectal cancer and I was also diagnosed as having Lynch syndrome.

Now, this diagnosis rocked my world. At the time I was a 35-year-old single mother of two; my daughter CJ was 11 and my son Tyrus was eight. I didn't tell them right away because I didn't think they'd understand. On January 26, exactly one week after my surgeon found the cancer, I had a six-hour surgery to remove the mass. I didn't have to do any chemo or radiation and by the grace of God, I am here today. I am a five-year survivor and I get to see my daughter graduate this May. I strongly believe that God will allow me to see my son graduate too.

I feel so blessed. My kids love me so much, and in 2011, I found the man of my dreams.  We've been married for a year and a half now. All praises be to God!

¿Qué significa One Million Strong para Melinda?

Nos representa a todos los que luchamos por sobrevivir, pero sobre todo nos recuerda que debemos luchar por los que no lo consiguen.

¿El consejo de Melinda?

Sé positivo, mantén tu fe en Dios y ayuda a correr la voz para que la gente sea tan consciente del cáncer colorrectal como del cáncer de mama.