Conozca a Hillary B., de Montana, que tiene un millón de habitantes

Historias de campeones
símbolo de héroe

Conoce a Hillary

Hillary Begger, caregiver
Billings, Montana

La historia de Hillary

My name is Hillary Begger and my brother Aaron was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2010 at the age of 25.

Flash forward to  present day - Aaron is still fighting. Unfortunately, in order to remove the 32 cm tumor from his colon, a permanent colostomy bag had to be placed. During a routine procedure to clean the wound from his first surgery, they found that the cancer had spread to his pelvis. Due to the location, it is inoperable.

Since another cousin of ours developed the same form of cancer at a similar age, genetic testing was conducted to determine if a genetic mutation was the culprit.  Unfortunately it was; we discovered that our family carries the gene tied to Síndrome de Lynchque aumenta enormemente las probabilidades de desarrollar este tipo de cáncer y otros a una edad más temprana. Las pruebas genéticas revelaron que tanto yo como mis dos hermanos, Aaron y Kyle, tenemos esta mutación.

Lo que un millón de personas significa para Hillary

One Million Strong means exactly what it says - we are not alone in this fight and we are stronger when we fight together. When a family member is diagnosed with cancer, it is easy to isolate yourself, tend to the problem day by day and give updates as people ask. Lately, though, I have found that joining together and reaching out for support is one of the most beneficial and healing things that you can do. I recently started a fundraising page, as I will be running a marathon to help raise money for my brother and this organization, as well as awareness for this type of cancer. I am absolutely floored by the amazing support I have received in just 24 hours. Our family has never felt stronger and more motivated to keep fighting this disease.

Consejos de Hillary

No tengo palabras para expresar lo importante que es buscar apoyo. La gente que te rodea quiere ayudarte. Quieren hacer algo para que tu vida sea un poco más fácil. Por desgracia, el cáncer es un tema incómodo y muchos luchan por su cuenta, ya que no sienten que puedan llegar a los demás. Son muchos los que padecen esta enfermedad en distintos grados de gravedad, pero todos podemos ayudarnos de una forma u otra.

Últimas noticias de Hillary

Training is going well so far, I'm up to 8 miles! Some days certainly feel like a trudge but I always remind myself as long as I just get the miles in it doesn't matter how fast I go. Running for a cause makes a huge difference for me and reminding myself that I'm running for my brother and to raise awareness for this incredibly prevalent type of cancer really drives me on.

Aaron is actually healing up from a huge surgery to remove his tumor at the University hospital in Denver. We saw the MRI of it and it's about the size of a cantaloupe, basically his entire pelvis and creeping up in to his abdomen. They were able remove the whole thing and also his prostate and bladder so he will end up with a urostomy but the hope is he will be pain free and hopefully (fingers,toes,eyes and any other body part you can think of crossed) cancer free. It ended up being about a 12 hour surgery.

Gracias por registrarse.

Hillary Begger Día Nacional del Corredor

Novedades de la semana de la carrera

¡Las cosas han ido bien a medida que nos acercamos más y más al día de la carrera, T-8 días! Es difícil de creer después de 6 meses de entrenamiento el día está tan cerca. Hace un par de semanas completé mi carrera más larga de 32 kilómetros. Fue muy duro, pero ahora siento que puedo terminar la carrera.
Cada vez que corro me resulta un poco más fácil porque sé que si sigo poniendo un pie delante del otro alcanzaré mi objetivo. Suena cursi, pero tener a Aaron y pensar en todas las personas que luchan contra el cáncer colorrectal me ha ayudado a superar algunos de los momentos más duros del entrenamiento. Al menos yo tengo una línea de meta fija, no es la misma historia para los que luchan contra el cáncer. Si no hubiera tenido eso para seguir adelante, no creo que hubiera llegado tan lejos.

Aaron está muy bien desde que le operaron a finales de mayo. Cada día está más fuerte y se ha dado cuenta de que tiene una segunda oportunidad en la vida y está agradecido por ello. Nos sentimos muy afortunados de que su historia se esté convirtiendo en algo positivo. La palabra de los cirujanos era que pensaban que eran capaces de eliminar todo el cáncer de la pelvis y el abdomen, estamos cruzando los dedos para que eso sea cierto, Aaron aún tiene que cumplir con su cáncer doc desde la cirugía se completó y él ha estado trabajando duro en la curación.
Muchas gracias a todos por vuestro apoyo.
actualización en curso
Actualizado el 16 de septiembre de 2105

Actualización posterior al evento


Hi there! Just wanted to check in with you guys and let you know that the marathon went awesome!!!

It was a whirlwind of a day but the best part was having my entire family come together for support and also getting to give Aaron a big ole hug at the end knowing his health is in a MUCH better state than when I started training. I'm getting all the donations together and the page updated and will be making a donation to Fight CRC in the very near future. I can't thank you enough for your continued support, this whole processed has opened my entire family's eyes to the massive amount of support available to us out there. Thanks again!

It's been one week since the big race and I'm just finally starting to wrap my head around all the crazy emotions and happenings of the day.

The support and love shared that day was out of this freaking world! I had someone there to cheer me on from when I woke up at 4am to catch the bus to the start line to my last step across the finish line after 5 hours later. In fact it ended up being a big ole family fest and it couldn't have made my heart feel any happier, literally it felt like it was going to explode. Actually it did..out my eyeballs.. when I couldn't stop crying for the last 2 miles. There's this crazy amazing thing that happens when all your humans are all in one place. It's an emotion that can't exactly be described but for me it's something along the lines of the excitement of when the last sibling finally pulls up to join the gathering, the comfort and content I feel while having morning coffee with my mom and sisters(in-laws), the frustration when my brothers think it's hilarious to squeeze my legs after running a marathon and the overall love and acceptance we have for each other at any given time in life no matter what the circumstance. Pretty much that's why I started crying at the end besides the whole I-don't-have-to-run-another-freaking-step-and-I'm-so-overwhelmingly-happy-about-that thing.

When I started training/raising money for Aaron he was in pretty rough shape. Day to day life was not an easy thing and we were at a bit of a stand still as far which way to go next in the whole treatment game. When I finished the marathon Aaron could easily walk over to me after hanging out all morning sitting and standing and what not. It's mind blowing to me the way his life has changed just within 6 months. We're talking total 180, future lookin oh-so-bright kinda stuff. Sure does make it all worth it.

So to everyone that donated-you rock my world.

To everyone that liked, shared, commented-you're the freaking best.

And anyone that sent good thoughts, prayers and vibes-we seriously couldn't have made it without you

This has been one of the most humbling experiences I've ever had in my life and I feel so stinkin’ blessed to have received all this support.