Un millón de personas - Connie Sivert

Historias de campeones
símbolo de héroe

My son, David K. Sivert III, passed away on April 26, 2014 after battling colon cancer for three years. He was only 21 years old. The year he was diagnosed he was on his way to college to play football and get his welding degree.


We live in a small town but the support he had from the very beginning was amazing. David was a fighter – our community as well as the surrounding areas will tell you the same. He got a tattoo on his forearm that said " Live with No Fear," and he did just that. On good days he went hunting, rode his 4-wheeler and spoiled his sister, but he never gave up.

 Mantener vivo el legado de Davidimagen2

Despite the horrible pain and side effects David experienced, he continued to make us laugh and smile. We were made to promise that we wouldn’t cry because he didn't like it.  As his mother, I have made a promise to do everything possible to keep his name out there and be remembered. I was watching The Doctors on T.V. the other day and saw Luke Perry talking about the Strong Arm Selfie and  I decided to make it my personal challenge to get as many as I could in one picture – I did just that!


On April 19, 2015,  we hosted a benefit-memorial and ATV ride in honor of David and to raise money for his scholarship fund. I started this fund for local kids at David’s old high school as a way to show our support for cancer research and prevention.

Here are some of the #StrongArmSelfie pics from the event. I will continue to raise awareness in his memory.

One thought on "Meet the One Million Strong – Connie Sivert"

  1. ¡¡WOW!! ¡¡Esa foto es genial!! ¡¡¡Que fuerte!!! Muchas gracias por tus esfuerzos en la lucha y ayudar a crear conciencia sobre esta horrible enfermedad. Estoy tan contenta de que nos haya encontrado en Fightcolorectalcancer:).. Como madre que perdió trágicamente a su hijo a la edad de 26 años y como superviviente/defensora de esta enfermedad en estadio 4... Gracias por tu determinación ya que nos acerca a todos a facilitar el cambio y acabar con el dolor y el sufrimiento causados por esta enfermedad. Rosa

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