Conozca a Frankie Meléndez, de Arkansas, el "Un millón de fuertes

Historias de campeones
símbolo de héroe

Conoce a Frankie

Paciente / Superviviente

North Little Rock, Arkansas

La historia de Frankie

From Jul. through Aug. 2015 I experienced four main colon cancer symptoms. At the time I did not know that these were symptoms that I needed to look out for. Those symptoms included severe stomach/abdominal cramps and pain, I felt tired, weight loss, and loose/runny stools.

The pain continued to worsen so I decided to go to the doctor, and he ordered a CT scan. The doctors found an apple-sized tumor in my lower left colon. I was diagnosed with stage IIA colon cancer.

Two days later I had surgery, in which a foot-and-a-half of my colon was removed. The surgery turned out to be successful. There were no signs that the cancer had spread anywhere else.

I was declared cancer-free by age 46.

After 1 1/2 years of good clean scans, good lab results and very low number CEA (6). I contracted the flu and my CEA numbers started to rise and go back down repeatedly. My oncologist got concerned and within a two-week period, she ordered a PET scan, MRI and a biopsy.

Unfortunately, she was right. The scans revealed spots on both sides of my liver and the biopsy confirmed it was cancer. My cancer reappeared and metastasized to my liver.

On Mar. 24, 2017, I was re-diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer at the age of 47.

I now have a port and I am about to start my third round of chemo and 5FU. A new journey has started for me in my fight, and I am determined to help others fight this disease.

Consejos de Frankie

Cuando luchas contra esta enfermedad debes tener fe y creer en ti mismo. Debes ser fuerte, optimista, positivo y ser siempre tú mismo. La actitud es la clave. Sé un defensor, aprende y educa a los demás sobre la importancia de escuchar a tu cuerpo y no ignores las señales.

2 thoughts on "Meet the One Million Strong- Frankie Melendez from Arkansas"

  1. Frankie, ¡uno de mis compañeros de AR Warriors! ¡Me alegro mucho de verte con tan buen humor durante el evento GYRIG de hace unas semanas! Eres una verdadera imagen de lo que es un guerrero positivo, ¡incluso ante tu diagnóstico! Mantente fuerte - ¡si necesitas algo estamos todos aquí para ti!

  2. Frankie era mi jefe de vuelta en 2014 en la pequeña pizza César y lo amo como mi jefe que era divertido y goofy a pero él era un trabajador duro en la parte superior de todo lo que

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