Conozca a Gordon C., de Carolina del Norte, que trabaja con un millón de personas

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CONOCE A GORDONGordon-Cole-Colorectal-cancer-survivor

Gordon Cole, Survivor

Greensboro, NC


Tras serle diagnosticado un cáncer colorrectal en estadio IV en agosto de 2003, Gordon ha recibido radioterapia, quimioterapia casi constante, una resección de colon, dos resecciones hepáticas, RFA, un ensayo clínico (en Duke), dos resecciones pulmonares y quimioterapia de mantenimiento continuado, junto con un diagnóstico de cáncer de próstata a finales de 2006. Ha participado en un ensayo clínico, y sigue en tratamiento tras una recidiva y efectos secundarios de daños por radiación que requirieron cirugías, utilizando sus conocimientos de investigación para supervisar su propio tratamiento. Ha participado en varios estudios sanguíneos para la investigación en el Duke Cancer Institute y en un proyecto de secuenciación genómica del UNC Lineberger Cancer Center.

Gordon is a former secretary of the Board of Directors of FCRC and was a panelist at Colon Cancer Alliance's (CCA) annual conference. He has been active in promoting cancer awareness and cancer research efforts. He has spoken at various group functions, numerous support groups, conferences and screening seminars.

He advocates on Capitol Hill through Fight Colorectal Cancer (FCRC) for legislative changes benefiting cancer research (five Call-on Congress events), and participated with FCRC in OVAC's  Lobby Day. He has lobbied for NCCS, and works individually with newly diagnosed patients in the Greensboro area and with CCA's Buddy Program. He participates in survivor contacts and mentoring, and is a member of  the North Carolina Advisory Committee on Cancer Coordination and Control, and Carolina Well (an LAF affiliate), and is involved in outreach for cancer screening and education in underserved areas in NC. He has attended AACR's SSP Program as a FCRC representative, and ASCO GI for CCA and FCRC.

He is also involved with Golfers Against Cancer, an all-volunteer organization dedicated to raising funds for cutting-edge cancer research, raising almost $3 million in 9 years, allocated among selected research programs at the three comprehensive cancer centers in NC.


Mantén la esperanza.


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