In memory of Dan VanMeter

Muro de los Homenajes
símbolo de héroe


You were too young to get this terrible disease, a year before the screening recommendations changed to age 45. What a shame, that we are still fighting to get the age of screening even lower when data out there suggest more and more younger people under age 45 are getting this disease. I will continue to advocate for early screenings to help others avoid your fate. Your two teens whom you never got to see grow up into young adults are doing well. We all miss you and think of you every day. We love you Dan and miss you especially for all these milestones. You were a hero in your work and a hero for your family and a hero for enduring all you had to go through with this shitty disease. I look for signs from you every where. I hope you are at peace. Your courageous and witty spirit live on through all of us.

Donor: Kristina VanMeter