Grupo de trabajo de conservadores de ensayos clínicos

Our Clinical Trial Finder is a one-stop place to find and learn more about high-impact research studies for patients with advanced CRC.

¿Cómo funciona el buscador de juicios?

Two research advocates and two researchers/expert curators regularly filter through trials that are sourced from They follow criteria developed by Dr. Tom Marsilje and updated by the curation team to ensure the tool captures trials with the highest potential for success and lowest chance for failure.

The Trial Finder is now curated by a group of research advocates and researchers and overseen by members of the Grupo de trabajo sobre inmunoterapia

Conozca a los conservadores de ensayos clínicos

Maia Walker,
Curador principal Lucha contra el CRC Trial Finder

Karen Wehling,
Superviviente de la fase IV

Liz Dennis,
Superviviente de la fase III