Dwayne Coleman

Anfitrión de la escalada

Dwayne's headshot

Más o menos: Dwayne was diagnosed with Stage III colon cancer in December 2020 at age 55. He was in the best physical shape of his life. He was in the gym three to four days a week. He hiked, biked, and was a runner. He ate well, was not a smoker, and only drank occasionally. He also had no history of cancer on either side of his family. He had no symptoms at all until he started passing blood in summer 2020. Because of a best friend’s terminal cancer diagnosis 20 ago, he had been getting thorough annual physicals. He assumed that early signs of cancer would show up in his blood work. He was wrong. The tumor was growing; cancer was spreading into his lymph nodes, and he had no idea. After having surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation treatments in 2021, he is relieved to say that his latest bloodwork and CT scan in January showed that he is NED (no evidence of disease) – complete remission. After his diagnosis, he began researching colon cancer and found the Fight CRC website. The information was very valuable to him as he chose his surgery and treatments. The website also mentioned things to talk with his doctors about that he  would not have known otherwise. He decided that he wanted to be more involved with Fight CRC, so he became a sponsor for the Climb For A Cure fundraiser last year. 

Por qué sube Dwayne: "Para concienciar sobre el cáncer colorrectal, apoyar una buena causa y disfrutar de una actividad divertida con amigos y familiares. Escalo por mí y por otros amigos que se han visto afectados por el cáncer. Me encanta hacer senderismo, y Climb For A Cure es una forma estupenda de combinar mi afición a estar al aire libre y hacer ejercicio con la recaudación de dinero para una gran causa."

Una cosa que mantiene a Dwayne motivado: "Todavía tengo el cáncer muy presente. Como el cáncer, la cirugía y los tratamientos me robaron mi buena salud durante un año sólido, todavía estoy luchando por volver a estar en forma. Pero a pesar de todo lo que he pasado, estoy decidida a volver a estar en forma".

El consejo de Dwayne a los escaladores: “To the climbers, caregivers, and survivors, ‘Live your best life,’ and try to enjoy every minute of every day. To the patients, adopt a fighting attitude, and never give up hope.”