Caitlin D., de Minnesota, conoce al millón de fuertes

Historias de campeones
símbolo de héroe

Conoce a Caitlin

Caitlin DeVos, caregiver
Plymouth, Minnesota

La historia de Caitlin

When I was 16 years old, my mom went in for a routine colonoscopy after turning that 'magical age' of 50. It was a shock to learn that she had stage IIIC colon cancer. She had no symptoms and was an extremely healthy and wonderful person. We began a journey of surgeries, chemotherapies, radiation and more that lasted two and a half years. She battled back against her disease with courage and strength, and found humor in every twist and turn. Her spirit was remarkable and the compassion from family and friends was incredible.

Unfortunately, my mom lost her battle in 2010, when I was just 19 years old. She is the reason why I am so passionate about finding a cure for colon cancer and why I'm so passionate about getting people screened! My mom and I saved a handful of lives with her story. We have encouraged loved ones to get screened and they have been able to prevent colon cancer by catching polyps early. Screenings save lives, pure and simple. I continue to wage my mom's battle for her by making my voice heard in March and every month for this cause.

Lo que One Million Strong significa para Caitlin

One Million Strong means coming together to share strength, support and evidence that will help save others from colorectal cancer. It means ensuring that all people have access to colorectal cancer screenings and motivating the grassroots base to be advocates for public policy in order to make this happen. It means making sure that every colorectal cancer patient feels supported and uplifted by the strength and compassion of others who have beat this disease. It means telling cancer that we aren't afraid of it and that we are committed to beating it. One Million Strong means HOPE that we will defeat this disease.

Consejos de Caitlin

Encuentra el humor en las vueltas y revueltas que te depara el cáncer. Mi madre siempre decía que debemos enfrentarnos a las cartas que nos tocan, y esto no podría ser más cierto que cuando nos diagnostican un cáncer. Persevera, edúcate, utiliza los recursos de tu comunidad y lucha contra la enfermedad con un espíritu inquebrantable. Cuídese y sepa que no pasa nada por sentirse enfadado, molesto o débil en ocasiones. Sé un defensor de ti mismo y de tus cuidados: ¡puedes vencer! Lo más importante que debes recordar es aprovechar al máximo tu tiempo con la familia y los amigos y no dejar que el cáncer te arrebate el espíritu y la esperanza.

One thought on "Meet the One Million Strong – Caitlin D. From Minnesota"

  1. Me sorprendió mucho enterarme de lo de tu madre. No puedo creer que se haya ido tanto tiempo. Conocí a tu madre toda su vida. Iba en el autobús escolar con ella todos los días y hablaba con ella todos los días. Cuando éramos niños vivíamos a unos cinco o seis kilómetros el uno del otro. Pienso en ella a menudo. Sigan trabajando en esta lucha. Debemos ser diligentes para luchar y encontrar una cura y hacernos las pruebas.

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