Angela Nicholas, de Pensilvania, cumple un millón de años

Historias de campeones
símbolo de héroe

Conoce a Angela


North Wales, Pennsylvania

La historia de Angela

After just two weeks of symptoms, my husband John was diagnosed with stage IV colorectal cancer November 1, 2013. He was 45 years old at the time. Since then, he has had over 30 chemo treatments, four surgeries, numerous procedures, three series of radiation treatments, and is currently enrolled in his second clinical trial.

Cancer is what he has, not who he is. John continues to stay active playing lots of golf and being a wonderful husband and father to two girls, Emily (28) and Sarah (12).
Ironically, I am a family physician. I have learned what my patients feel - helpless, and terrified. Those are the two adjectives I remember the most from the day John was diagnosed. Over the first six months, we became empowered, mainly because John was expecting me to find the answer. I learned from other caregivers and patients how to be his advocate, and how to find the answers no one was giving me. And now I can help others do the same for themselves.
It has been three and a half years since that day. But here we are - living our life and kicking cancer's you-know-what!

Consejos de Angela

Busque consejo de otros pacientes que puedan ayudarle a navegar por el complicado proceso médico.


Angela moderated our "Prevention & Treatment" panel during the 2017 Call-on Congress. Watch as she explains her experience as a caregiver and offers encouragement for patients working with their medical teams.

Únete a la comunidad de Un millón de personas

Si te ha afectado el cáncer colorrectal, ¡te necesitamos! Únete a nosotros y utiliza tu experiencia, tu historia y tu voz para crear un cambio real. Únete a One Million Strong comparta su historia. A continuación, vea todas las formas en que puede hacer algo contra esta enfermedad y toma medidas para conectarte con nuestra comunidad. Ven a luchar con nosotros.

3 thoughts on "Meet the One Million Strong- Angela Nicholas from Pennsylvania"

  1. Por favor, ayúdame a abogar por mi hermana que tiene cáncer de colon en estadio 4 y su médico no está tratando de curarla Sólo está recibiendo 5FU y no creo que sea suficiente y no sé cómo conseguir que sean más agresivos Por favor, ayúdame

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