El defensor de la investigación sobre la lucha contra el CCR, nombrado miembro del grupo consultivo del Instituto Nacional de Investigación

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Hartley (Lee) Jones contribuirá a que la voz del paciente, del cuidador y del defensor de la investigación guíe los esfuerzos de investigación centrados en el paciente del instituto.

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Aug. 29, 2017 — Hartley (Lee) Jones, stage IV colon cancer survivor and Fight CRC research advocate, has been appointed by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) as a member of its Advisory Panel on Clinical Trials.

Jones will join other members of the panel in applying his experience and expertise to helping PCORI refine and prioritize research funding alternatives and ensure that the research PCORI supports centers on the outcomes that matter to patients and other healthcare decision makers. PCORI is an independent, non-profit organization authorized by Congress to fund research that will provide patients, their caregivers, and clinicians with the evidence-based information needed to make better-informed healthcare decisions.

Jones was selected on the basis of his experience, expertise, and ability to contribute to the panel’s tasks and responsibilities. Panel members represent a broad range of healthcare stakeholder groups and perspectives, including patients, family caregivers, clinicians, drug and device makers, and researchers, among others.

Jones has been a successful manager and executive in banking, corporate, government, consulting and not-for-profit organizations. He is a late-stage colon cancer survivor and active member of Fight CRC’s Research Advocate Training and Support (RATS) program that’s working to find more effective treatments for colorectal cancer and provide more effective support to patients. As a cancer patient and survivor, he is committed to promoting the patient voice in research, treatments, medical care and the healthcare system in general.

"Me siento honrada de haber sido seleccionada por el PCORI y muy emocionada de formar parte de su Comisión Asesora sobre Ensayos Clínicos", ha declarado Jones. "Reconociendo lo afortunada que soy por haber sobrevivido a un cáncer tan mortal, me comprometo a ayudar a apoyar la investigación crítica para que otros enfermos de cáncer puedan seguir viviendo vidas plenas y productivas. Los ensayos clínicos son clave para desarrollar tratamientos nuevos y mejorados, y tenemos que seguir encontrando formas de hacer que los pacientes participen más en el diseño y la realización de los ensayos para mejorar el reclutamiento, la retención y los resultados que son positivos para los pacientes."

En relación con la incorporación de Jones a la Comisión Asesora sobre Ensayos Clínicos, la Presidenta de Fight Colorectal Cancer, Anjee Davis, declaró,

“Traditionally, scientists have not always engaged patient advocates in the developmental process. But PCORI has uniquely created a contract and grant environment where patient values are parallel to scientific efforts.  We are incredibly proud to see Lee join the PCORI Advisory Panel on Clinical Trials. It is a very important panel, and Lee will have the opportunity to discuss with leaders in the field the patient viewpoint on valued outcomes and represent our communities’ healthy impatience and desire for progress.”

More information about the Advisory Panel on Clinical Trials, including its scope of work and a list of all members, is available on the PCORI sitio web.

Acerca de la lucha contra el cáncer colorrectal

Fight Colorectal Cancer (Fight CRC) is a trusted national nonprofit advocacy organization fighting for a cure. It was founded in 2005 by Nancy Roach, a patient advocate who witnessed the need for colorectal cancer advocacy after her mother-in-law’s diagnosis. The organization plays an important role in rallying colorectal cancer advocates to action. Fight CRC is known for activism and patient empowerment throughout patient, academic, political, scientific, medical and nonprofit communities. With a mission focused on advocacy, research, patient education and awareness, the organization serves advocates in every state of the U.S. and many others around the world. Fight CRC is a 4-star charity by Charity Navigator and 93 cents of every dollar donated goes directly to colorectal cancer programs.