Cribado del cáncer colorrectal: Tiene opciones

Fecha: 6 de marzo @ 12:00 pm - 6 de marzo @ 1:00 pm
Lugar: En línea

símbolo de héroe

Marzo es el momento perfecto para hablar de cribado del cáncer colorrectal.

Acompáñenos en un seminario web en el que participará un miembro de la junta directiva de Fight CRC e investigador-científico Dr. Fola May, who will unpack the statistics on screening, why getting screened is so important, who needs to be screened, and when, and screening options. You’ll also hear from several patients screened using the most common methods: FIT, FIT-DNA, and colonoscopy. Come ask questions. Invite your friends who haven’t been screened to learn more. It could save a life!

If you cannot attend live, please register so we can send you the recording and transcript of the webinar.

Regístrese aquí

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